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Lee Peuker
User for 5 years
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Improvements Here are some thoughts I have about updates to the current device or for a version ...
We are using Phoniebox as the main software to control and configure the Raspberry Pi. Operati...
Here is a overview about all the hardware used to build Phoniebox. The price we paid for materi...
Here are some photos of the finished Phoniebox. Front Top Site (right) Site (left) B...
Replace data disk
What happend? I have a nightly cronjob configured to execute a script which runs a SnapRAID s...
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Recently Created Books View All
Phoniebox - DIY Jukebox
Here is a collection of notes, guides, and photos documenting the process of building a Phoniebox...
DIY NAS (Ubuntu 20.04 + mergerfs + snapraid)
This is a rough overview about my self build 6-Bay NAS (with external 4-Bay hard drive USB enclos...
Regain some privacy online
How can you regain ownership about your data and behavior online? Here is how I did it.